
Making observations of the world around me

World Around is my series of rants and ramblings about things upsetting or inspiring – to share the good and bad with humour, integrity, emotion and honesty.

Some may totally disagree with me and that’s okay – leave your comments.

Wishing everyone “love and light” – Tim

Migrating Drupal’s database or separating content and configuration!

As many people know, Drupal 7's database is a combination of content and configuration information. Migrating a site from Dev to Staging to Production isn't the easiest process. 

I found this great article discussing what each of the tables are and are they configuration or content. There are some great tools developed to assist in…

Rotating Banner – Drupal 7

This maybe a slighly unusal post for some of my readers but I wanted to put this solution out there for anyone else who is suffering with what is a potentially great module for Drupal 7 called rotating-banner. The problem is the file in the projects directory needs to be patched. With forum help for…

iPad 3

iPad for Business – Part 2


This post has caused quite a discussion on LinkedIn. Why not see what people are saying…

The announcement…