Exercising for Internet Marketers


Working Hard

Sitting at the keyboard for hour after hour, staring at your wonderful BIG monitor, checking keywords, building products, making posts and watching the money flood in. Can you see yourself in this picture. Think how much activity you do other than in your brain. Got that picture in your mind? Great!

This might be you view of your ideal day. Working for yourself, sitting there doing what you love. Just think for a moment…are you loving your body and is it loving you back?

While the alure of being an internet marketer is that you are your own boss, keep your own hours, and do whatever you want whenever you want it, is an attractive proposition. Can you honestly say you doing enough exercise to be healthy? I thought I was okay until I changed my routine and made a slight adjustment to the food I was eating.

My day now looks like this:

Wake at 6:30 and take some time to enjoy waking, exercise for 30-40 mins from 7:30-8:15, a nice warm breakfast after your exercise, from 9-1 get stuck into the major things you have planned for the day. By the time 1 comes around I have drunk lots of water but I barely notice the time. The I realise that I am hungry again and head out for a balanced lunch, just not sandwiches or other wheat products, lots of vegetables, then I am recharged and ready for the 2-5 push getting all the small tasks done. Now around 5 I take a break before having dinner around 7. This could be family time, read a book, talk to your partner, even go and socialise (just don’t exercise heavily). Eat around 7 then around 10 head off to bed for a good nights sleep.

Work Life Balance signpostI’ve been doing this routine now for coming up to 3 weeks. I have not felt as healthy and as full of energy for a very long day.

I realise some of you are saying that this is too structured. My experience is that the structure is good for me and I am getting more done.

Just wanted to share this with you. Try it – find your own rhythm for your body and mind, you might also be surprised!

(disclaimer – I am not a health professional, just a normal guy trying to make my life better)